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Mandarine tree honey

Laissez-vous surprendre par ce nectar unique aux saveurs fabuleusement fruitées et ensoleillées.

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Cadeau - Savon Propolis, Miel & Gelée Royale
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Mandarine tree honey - 1 jar
Mandarine tree honey - 2 jars

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Collected under the Mediterranean sun, this liquid honey has a unique and subtle fruity flavor.

We confer it soothing and digestive virtues.

230g jar

This honey is extracted cold and potted in our mill Beau Rivage


Usage tips

Dégustez-le sur vos tartines de pains, biscottes ou brioches. Il sera également parfait pour remplacer le sucre dans vos desserts ou pour accompagner vos infusions du soir.
Natural ingredients
See Composition
Mandarine tree honey

This honey is harvested in the sunny countryside mandarin trees of Spain.

Selection :

When some honeys are not produced in sufficient quantity in France for climatic reasons, we are looking for honeys harvested in protected soils from our partner beekeepers. To guarantee you a high quality, these come from the best regions for each floral appellation and benefit from our commitment to quality.

Customer Reviews for Mandarine tree honey