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Royal C ® - Royal jelly with orange

Start the day with a delicious fruity scent thanks to Royal C : a cocktail of energy with organic royal jelly and a nice orange taste !

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Royal C® - 1 flask
€22.45 €24.95
Cadeau - Savon Propolis, Miel & Gelée Royale
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Royal C® - 1 flask
€22.45 €24.95

In stock, available in shop and on the internet


Natural source of nutrients , Royal C is the association of royal jelly with energising virtues of the C vitamin and a nice orange taste.

This delicious and exclusive recipee is the result of 2 years of research and constitutes a real cocktail of benefits in mouth.


Doing a program of royal jelly is not easy and pleasant !

With Royal C, enjoy several virtues of royal jelly and C vitamins while delighting in this delicious preparation.

Adapted to all the family, this natural preparation is very appreciated by lovers of royal jelly.

Coming from 2 years of research, Famille Mary offers the unique association of royal jelly, vitamin C and essential oil of sweet orange: Royal C®.

What does contain Royal C royal jelly ?

  • Royal jelly : there are many  benefits of this natural toner for our well-being. It has especially vitalizing, energizing, or soothing qualities. To know more about royal jelly, click here.

  • C vitamin : known for its vitalizing action, the C vitamin combined with the royal jelly provides an effective energy intake !

  • Organic sweet orange essential oil : this essential oil brings a delicate fruity scent to this preparation. What is better than enjoying a delicious recipee of royal jelly ?
  1. CONVENIENT FORMAT : can be taken everywhere with you
  2. EASY DOSAGE : one pressure is enough and delivers 30% of recommended daily amount in C vitamin !
  3. VACCUUM PACK PRESERVES THE ORGANIC ROYAL JELLY : up to 7 days out of the fridge.



With its convenient format, its flask can deliver in each pressure, the perfect quantity of royal jelly, that is to say 1 gram, to well start the journey ! This convenient format can also preserve and protect Royal C royal jelly : it can be temporarily conserved up to 7 days out of the fridge.

Directions for use : Press once to have the perfect quantity. Savour preferably the morning under the tongue and to be taken on an empty stomach.

30g flask with measuring pump

Usage tips

Appuyer une fois sur la pompe pour délivrer 1g sur une spatule ou dans votre bouche. Faire fondre sous la langue de préférence à jeun le matin.
Natural ingredients
See Composition
Royal C ® - Royal jelly with orange

Royal jelly 96.44%, vitamin C 3%, sweet orange essential oil 0.5%, sucralose 0.06% 


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