Famille Mary supports the French beekeeping
Because the bees need us, we need to support the french beekeeping together
1 Honey jar bought = 1% for the bees
Beekeeper and producer since 1921, owner of 1000 beehives, Famille Mary is in partnership with 70 French beekeepers and is a major economic actor of the honey sector. Famille Mary has launched a supportive action by donating 1 % of its sells to the French National Beekeeping Association (UNAF).
Offer valid on honey jars and bulk honey bought in the Famille Mary stores or on its website www.famillemary.fr
In 2015, Famille Mary has donated a 38000€ to the UNAF. Following that success, we have decided to renew this supportive offer for 2016 !
French honey : a sacre ressource
For some couple of years, the French honey harvest has dropped significantly. It has reduced by 50% in 15 years (14000 tons in 2013 against 33000 tons in 1995). Nearly neither acacia, nor thyme or rosemary, barely colza, pine or chestnut tree ! The colonies mortality has been steadily increasing : 15 to 30% depending on the region.
80% of the vegetal species depends on bees
The pollinisation of 200 000 flower plants species (namely 80%), is bee dependant. Apples, tomatoes, apricots, pears etc. are endangered if the bee die out. It’s not only worrying for the gourmets, but also for the environment and the agriculture, which a whole part depends on the honey-gathering insects.
Support with US 22000 beekeepers
The UNAF (The French National Beekeeping Association) is the first syndical beekeeping organization in France with 22000 beekeepers. Regular actions are made to preserve the pollinator fauna, the biodiversity, the environment or to support beekeepers.
An answer for both beekeepers and consumers on the bees’ world and beekeeping. www.unaf-apiculture.info