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Forest and fields honey

Cadeau - Savon Propolis, Miel & Gelée Royale
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Forest and fields honey

In stock, available in shop and on the internet


Smooth and golden to one's liking, this honey with a wild taste is collected in summer on the flowers of protected wood and fields from Spain and France. So, the ballet of bees composes a symphony of flavors: flowers of wood and fields charmingly perfume this nectar. Enjoy pure or in an infusion or a bowl of warm milk for the well-being of all.

360g jar

This honey is extracted cold and potted in our mill Beau Rivage


Usage tips

Grâce à sa texture onctueuse, le miel de Fleurs des Bois & Champs peut se déguster sur une tartine de pain. Il sera l'accompagnement idéal pour sucrer vos boissons chaudes (infusions, laits chauds, etc.). Les plus gourmands s'en délecteront nature, directement à la cuillère.
Natural ingredients
See Composition
Forest and fields honey

This honey is harvested during the summer, on the Forest and preserved fileds's blossoms of Spain and France.

Selection :

When some honeys are not produced in sufficient quantity in France for climatic reasons, we are looking for honeys harvested in protected soils from our partner beekeepers. To guarantee you a high quality, these come from the best regions for each floral appellation and benefit from our commitment to quality.

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