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Pure Propolis to chew


La propolis pure vous aide à libérer les voies respiratoires et contribue à soulager la gorge.

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Cadeau - Savon Propolis, Miel & Gelée Royale
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1 box of 10g

In stock, available in shop and on the internet


Tablet to be chewed. Naturally rich in active principles, the propolis is considered as an excellent food supplement. It contributes to the well-being of the throat. Presented to the pure state in tablets, it is enough to cut a piece and to chew it. The tablet chewed can be thrown when it tends to disintegrate in fine particles. It is generally advised to chew 1 in 2 pieces a day. 10g box

Usage tips

Mâcher 1 barre de 1g par jour. Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes allaitantes et aux enfants.
Natural ingredients
See Composition
Pure Propolis to chew

Propolis pure 100%, origine France.

La propolis Know more

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