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World organic assorted honey

As low as €19.95

Enjoy this assortment of organic honeys to choose your favorite honeys.

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Cadeau - Savon Propolis, Miel & Gelée Royale
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3 jars of 230g

As low as €19.95

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Organic honeys come from a highly regulated apiculture method. The resulting honey has an incomparable purity. With this assortment of organic honeys, discover this purity and travel through the preserved territories.

  • Organic Eucalyptus honey : creamy honey from Italy, ideal for grog or winter infusions
  • Organic chestnut honey : liquid honey from Spain, this liquid honey has a delicious woody flavor
  • Organic Milk Thistle honey : creamy honey, from Sicily, it is ideal to accompany your toast with bread or to sweeten teas and infusions
  • Organic lime honey : creamy honey from organic farming, it is ideal to accompany your hot drinks with brio
  • Organic clover honey : creamy honey from Argentina, it is ideal to accompany your french toast when you have breakfast or to sweeten your infusions and teas
  • Organic Honey and essential oil of lemon : creamy honey from organic farming, it is ideal to sweeten and add a lemony note to your hot drinks
  • Organic Maritime Lavender Honey : Creamy honey that is harvested in the spring on the maritime lavender flowers of Andalusia, Spain.

To offer or to have fun, this assortment is ideal thanks to its natural products and from organic farming. This assortment of organic honeys is composed of 3 pots of 230g

Honey extracted cold and potted in our mill Beau Rivage.

Acheter du miel d'acacia, c'est aussi une bonne action pour les abeilles ! 

Parce que les abeilles ont besoin de nous, soutenons ensemble l'apiculture française !

1 pot de miel acheté = 1% pour les Abeilles.
En savoir plus

Usage tips

A déguster ou à offrir.
Natural ingredients
See Composition
World organic assorted honey


When some honeys are not produced in sufficient quantity in France for climatic reasons, we are looking for honeys harvested in protected soils from our partner beekeepers. To guarantee you a high quality, these come from the best regions for each floral appellation and benefit from our commitment to quality.

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